The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE TIlREft ATHENS OFFICE AT MESSNER'S DRUG STORE, SAYRE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924. CELEBRATE FOUNDER'S DAY. was furnished by un orchestra, composed of members of the Ro-bekah Order. ATHENS PERSONAL MENTION EVENTS TONIGHT Morley Theater, "The Great White Way," 7:30 p. m.

Canton Athens, I. O. O. meets 8 p. m.

Tioga Point Fortress, I. O. 0. meets 8 p. m.

Baptist Church prchestra rehearsal, 7:30 p. m. P. 0. of A.

meets 8 p. m. Lackawanna Presbytery meeting 7:30 p. m. Founder's Day was celebrated by the members of Lady Grilfln Re-bekah Lodge in Odd Fellows Temple last evening over 100 members and guests being present.

Attorney W. 1). Morse delivered an a I-dress. A male quartet, composed of John I. Morley, E.

O. Lunger, Bruce Bedford and V. 1). Wade rendered vocal selections. Music HIQHE8T CA8M PRICE.

Paid for old papers, magazine, rags. Iron and other jeatala Call mm If yon bav anytbini Phona 76-0. nu MAX COHEN Lieutenant Governor David J. Davis ol' Pennsylvania, is registered at the Forrest House. B.

U. Payne of South Main slreet, is spending a few days in New York City. 1 Jliss Catherine Elslrree of North street, is visiting friends in Cortland. Miss Lillian Howling has returned to Now York City after spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. B.

o. Francko of Loeust slreet. lion. Frederick A. Wullis of New York City, former Commissioner of Immigration, is attending today's sessions of the Lackawanna Presbytery.

Miss Helen Luckey has returned to Binghamton after a short visit at the hom*o of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luckey, of Maple street. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Howling and daughter of Cleveland, Ohio, have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. E. 0. Francke of Locust slreet. Franklin Stalker has returned to Newburgh, X.

al'ler visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Stalker, of South Main slreet.

Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue and Mr. and Mis. Edward Oaliavan have returned to Elmira after a visit wilh Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Cav-erly of Wolcott Hollow. Delegates from Ninety Churches Present First Evening Rev. D. H.

Johnston Delivers Among those registered at the Forrest Souse are: John Mills of Moravia, William Macgolic of Patterson, N. Julian Park of Union-dale, J. B. Bloman of WIlkes-Barre, S. V.

Bedlckian of Franklin Forks, and Rev. D. H. Johnston of Scranton. Harry Bush of Springfield, who is visiting his brother-in-law, Thomas Keavin, of W'ilow street, has accepted a position as superintendent of the Kennedy Valve foundry at Elmira, N.

Y. He will assmue his new duties September 29th. The Athens Rotary Club will hold its regular weekly meeting at Trinity Guild at 12:10 p. m. tomorrow.

A Well Baby Clinic will be held at Red Cross headquarters, 114 South Main street, from 3 to 5 o'clock next Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Amberman has returned to Elmira after a visit with Alliens friends. Robert Hartford baa returned to Rochester after spending a few days -with his family on Elm street. E.

Rodhurn of llorseheads, wits registered at the New Hotel Stim-son yesterday. The ljist Noble Grands Associa LEAHY'S Three (3) Days' Sale Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday the following unusual bargains Cut out this adv. now, and make a list of your needs. Athens Man Among 55 Whose Rights Are Revoked by State Highway Department Malcomb Stiger of Athens who, after his arrest by Highway Patrolman Harry Rothhaupt on a charge of driving while intoxicated at Ulster during the past summer, pleaded guilty to the charge and paid a fine of $200, has had his license revoked by the stale highway department. It was alleged that Stiger, cross ing the Susquehanna river bridge at EVENTS TOMORROW Morley Theater, "The Seventh Sheriff," 7:30 p.

m. Subordinate Lodge, I. O. 0. meets 8 p.

in. Brown Brotherhood Baraca meets at Baptist Church 7:30 p. m. Athens Library open 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m.

Lackawanna Presbytery meeting all day. Royal Circle Bible Class supper at M. E. Church, 5:30 p. m.

Rotary Club meets at Trinity Guild, 12:10 p. m. INS. GREAT 25c BARGA The first session of the Lackawanna Presbytery opened at the Presbyterian Church at 7:30 o'clock last evening. Delegates and clergymen representing 90 churches were present.

This is the first meeting of the Lackawanna Presbytery, which embraces churches in Bradford and six. adjoining counties, which has been held here since 1904. There are 125 delegates attending the sessions, among them being Lieutenant Governor David J. Davis of Pennsylvania. Miss Elsie Jordan presided at 0x12 Wool Fiber Rugs $10.98 9x12 Goldseal Congoleum 9x12 Smith's Brusseln $19.98 9x12 Smith's Axminsters $21.98 9x12 Smith's Velvets $29.98 i Ulster swung into the state high way at that place and, running amuck, drove other automobilists to the ditch.

His mad career eud-d abruptly in a smash up when he hit a tree at the t'le Milan REV. W. L. SAWTELLE OF SCRANTON HERE TO ATTEND PRESBYTERY 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c GRASBERG'S Wednesday Morning Specials Ladies' Flannelette Gowns 79c Pure Linen Table Damask, 70 in.wide $1.39 yd. Bungalow Aprons, reg.

and extra sizes 79c GRASBERG'S "Where Quality Is Higher Than Price." 409-411 S. Main Street Athens, Pa. J. P. Coats Thread, 6 Tor lrtc Spool Silk, 4 for R.

M. C. Crochet, 3 lor 5c Darning Cotton, 7 for 8c Darning Cotton. 5 for 39c Linen Buck Towels 39c Black Sateens 19c Mercerized Pongee 50c yd. wd.

Wash Silks 50c Plain Color Voiles 59c Fancy Voiles 39c Fancy Crepes 35c Plain Color Crepes 35c yd. wd. Outings 39c Curtain Materials Fine White Nainsook Colored Check Dimity 32 inch Kiddy Cloth GREAT BARGAINS. $1.25 Ladies' Silk Vests $1 Ladies' Silk Camisoles Ladies' Fancy Outing Gowns 58x54 II. S.

Table Cloths 75c 58 inch Table Damask 85c 64 inch Table Damask $1 72 inch Table Damask $1.25 Best Silk Pongee $1.25 Ladies' Silk Wool Hose 75c Men's Fine Wool Hose 7fln 59o 97c 79c 49c 59c 69c 79c 79c 39c narrows. Fifty-four other drivers throughout the slate lost their licenses and in addition 20 drivers were placed on the blacklist during the past week, according to figures made the organ and a choir of eight voices sang several selections. Moderator, Rev. D. H.

Johnston, of Scranton, delivered an address on "The Gospel According to You." Rev. Hugh R. McGill of Dun-more, was elected Temporary Clerk. Rev. W.

L. Sawtelle of Scranton, public by the department. BLANKET BARGAINS. Rig Fleeced 2 prs $1 Big Plaid 2 prs $5 Woolnap 2 prs $6 72x82 Woolnap 2 prs. $7 $5 Plaid Woolnaps, 2 prs.

56 Plaid Woolnaps. 2 prs $9 Plaid Woolnap 2 prs. $10 Among those attending the meeting of the Lackawanna Presbytery held here is the Rev. W. L.

Sawtelle, ipastor of the First Presbyterian church of Scranton. His father, the late Rev. Wm. II. Sawtelle of beloved memory, served as pastor of the Athens Pres-byter-Jan church for 24 years.

Rev. Sawtelle was born and educated here, being a graduate of the Athens high school, das? of 1887. After graduating from Williams college, he taught for two years here and was ono of the members of the famous Athens football eleven of the early 90's, which defeated teams from al! sections of New York and Pennsylvania, and was regarded as one of the best football organiatlons in the country. He is a brother of M. E.

Sawtelle of the Inter-State Motor Company. Are Your Lenses O.K.? There are several makes of lenses that are not approved by the Pennsylvania Highway Department. Let us look yours over and furnish you with the right ones. SCANNELL BROS. tion will have a picnic supper at Odd Fellows Temple, Athens, at 6 p.

m. next Thursday. All Iie-bekahs and families are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs.

Lamar Bower and daughter, Hetty Jane of Muncy, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dauber of Williamsport, have returned to their homes after visiting Miss Mary Feigles of Pine street. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Hishel returned to Endicott yesterday visiting Athens relatives. Miss Kathryn P.each of Mansfield is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Wood of Maple street. The following guests ae registered at the New Hotel SUmson: Rev. N.

B. Pazar and Rev. A. J. lluddock of Kingston; Rev.

Scalera of Pittston; Rev. John Capriotti of Dunmore; Rev. F. Von Krug and Rev. W.

L. Sawtelle of Scranton; Rev. I. Sneberger, Jes-sup, Rev. S.

R. Evans, Wyoming; Rev. J. C. Ottinger, Scranton, and Rev.

William Repp of Old Forge, Pa. Miss Hilma Williamson of Corning, is visiting Misses Leona and Edith Briggs, Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.iedendorp of Wafertown, are guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Cliilds. Mr. and Mrs. Miedendorp resided in Athens about four years ago and at that lime he was superintendent of Tioga Silk Mill.

Mr. and Mrs. Clair B-ittner of Cleveland, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Connor and Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Childs. ODDS AND ENDS CHuAC 29c White Crepes 19c 59c Light Green Shades 39c 59c Dark Brown Shades 39c 59c Dark Brown Hose 39c 59c Fancy 3-4 Sox 89c 2 to 7 yd. pieces 35c Outings, 19c 39c Fine White Lawn 19c 49c Fine White P. 19c 39c Infant's Champayne Hose, 19c MORLEY THEATRE TONIGHT.

"The Great WhitU Way," Cosmopolitan's "surprise" picture wover in and around life on Broadway, will have its premiere tonight, at the Morley Theatre. The new film, picturized from H. C. Witwer's popular story, "Cain and Mabel," Is the first motion picture ever presented which accurately draws a graphic Illustration of the world's most famous thoroughfare and those persons who bask in its artificial light. In bringing to the screen this pulsating story of a phase of New York life, the Cosmopolitan Corporation has assembled a brilliant all-star cast to impersonate the characters created by Witwer.

The cast includes Anita Stewart, as Mabel Vandergrift, the dancing star and toasa of Broadway; Oscar Shaw in the role of Joe Cain, world's welterweight champion; T. Roy Barnes as the breezy press agent, and Tom ilewia Dore Davidson, Harry Watson, Olin How-land, Hal Forde, Stanley Forde and Billy Gould. GREAT BARGAINS. $2.50 Crochet Spreads $1.79 72x90 Hospital Spreads 81x90 Hospital Spreads $1.99 63x90 Mohawk Sheets $1.39 72x90 Mohawk Sheets 81x90 Mohawk Sheets $1.59 Hemstitched Mohawk Sheets, $1.79 45x36 Pillow Cases 29c 50c Pepperell Cases 35c 45x36 Mohawk Cases 39c Hemstitched Mohawk Cases 49c 45 inch Pepperell Tubing 29c 42 inch Finest Tubing 39c 45 inch Finest Tubing 45c 15 inch Mohawk Muslin 25c Yd. wd.

Unbleached Muslin 14c Fine Unbleached Muslin 15c Black Rock Muslin 16c Yd. wd. Bleached Muslin 15c Fine Bleached Muslin 16c Finer Bleached Muslin 17c Rest Apron Ginghams 15c $15, $17.50 Girls' Coats $10 $18.50, $20 Girls' Coats $12.50 $35 Ladies and Girls' Coats $15 $30 Ladies' Sample Coats $19.50 $35, $37.50 ladies' Coats $25 presided at the administration of The I-ord's Supper. Rev. N.

E. Koehler was elected 'Chafrmin of the Commi tee on Arrangements. The program for this evening and tomorrow is as follows: Evening Popular Meeting Address by Hon. Frederick A. Wallis, Pres.

New York Presbyterian' Union. Wednesday Morning Prayer. Reading of Minutes. First Order, Election of Delegates to Synod at Wayne, Pa. Miss Helen K.

Strain Ten Minutes "Drug Addictions." Reports of Treasurer. S. M. Parke. Reports of the following Committees Synodical Home Missions.

Rev. A. J. Weisley. Foreign Missions.

Rev. Hugh R. Magill. Relief and Sustentation. Rev.

W. G. Funk. Program and Field Activities. Rev.

A. J. Weislty. Report of Presbyterial Cou.icil. Devotional Service, including Nccrological Report.

Rev. G. B. Gensemer. Wednesday Afternoon BUY COTTON BATTS.

"Below Wholesale Cost" Fine Batts, 30 for $4 2 lb. Batts, 6 for $4 2 1-2 lb. Batts, 5 for E. $4 3 lb. Batts, 4 for $4 (10 yds.

yd. wd. Challies, with each lot of Batting). NIGHT SERVICE Until 12 o'clock SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK Towing and Wrecking a Specialty TIOGA POINT MOTOR CO. THENS, PA.

Phone 679 Report of Eight Temporary Committees Bills and Overtures, Judicial, Minutes of Last General Assembly. Finance, Place of Next Stated Meeting, Leave of Absence. Resolution of Thanks. Mileage. Report of Pastors having students under their care.

Reports of Moderators and Staled Supplies of Vacant Churches. Reading of Minutes. Final Roll Call. Adjournment. $2.50 LADIES' SILK HOSE, $1.25 Our finest $2.50 quality Silk Hose In black and new colors.

Three days, $1.25 pr. NOTICE I will be at my office every day during September from 9 a. m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p. m.

to receive taxes. Pearl E. Campbell, Tax Collector. 25 PCT. OFF MUNSINGWEAR girls' and boys' winter underwear, reduced 25 per.

cent, three days GREAT RUG BARGAINS. (All standard 9x12 size Seamless Rugs). 9x12 Fancy Grass Rugs $5.98 22S2t Read Times Classified Ads. 1 i- IJJLJ 17 TO TRADE IN A THENS WW Loney is spent The New Notes Time Is Most Important The Air Is Full of Real Harmony ssg-gl in Candy is eaten Flowers die but A BULOVA ticks merrily on forever and everl Give cne the next time you have occasion to give Anything I Fall Footwear You'll see lots of Russia Calf this fall in a wide variety of models. Toes are "wider and more comfortable in fact the shoes are rnuch better looking.

I am showing the finest and newest models-just in, and at pre-season prices which makes them all an economical purchase. F. E. CHAFFEE 1 When the children catch cold, if you have a reliable home remedy to give them at once, later serious illness may be avoided. Our stock of these remedies is complete and you will ave both time and sickness if you lay in a supply right now for first aid use.

When you can't come, telephone 172-A. FRANCKS PHARMACY From everywhere East, West, North and South there's music in the air! Some of the finest orchestras of the country are broadcasting- and every set in our present stock will bring those sound waves to you. Let's give you a demonstration. We feature DeForest Radios, but can sell you any make. UNITED RADIO AGENCY Phone 169-A Athens, Pa.

6511 Buiova quality white filled to sned tiic; 1) jewel Bulova ym movement New Machines Second Hand Repairs of all oVf 6720 1 II let. solid white gold engraved cise; 17 jewel Bulova move- QQ With 15 jewel movement end Buiova $35.00 Kinds 5li Wrist and Pocket Watches $25 to $2500 What Other Form of transportation can equal the economy of the Ford? Tioga Point Motor Company Insist on Genuine Parts D. P. North Stand The Art of Photography In ma.ny ways you will see in the completed photograph, which we deliver, exemplification of the finer photography, which makes each photograph a real work of art. The Lent Studio Dining Room Sets Splendid value is represented in the Dining Room Furniture which we are now offering.

Your choice of several woods and finishes. W. H. DENNIS Neio Hat Styles Before you decide upon your new Fall Hat, be sure you see the many Chic Creations which we are offerinK. Newly received from the country's best milliners.

Store Open Evenings. The New York Hat Shoppe or Portable Electric Cabinet of all kinds i .4.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)


How much is evening times? ›

Evening generally starts around 6:00 PM or 7:00 PM and can continue until around 10:00 PM or later, although again, different people might have slightly different definitions.

When was Sayre Pennsylvania founded? ›

Sayre, Pennsylvania
Incorporated (borough)1891
24 more rows

How much is evening time? ›

5:00 – 9:00 p.m

What hours are in the evening? ›

Evening takes place between the hours of 6pm - 9pm. It lasts from the time the sun sets, and can be marked by twilight or dusk.

Who is the Sayre mansion named after? ›

Built on the eve of the American Civil War, The Sayre Mansion is a historic Bethlehem, PA hotel originally used as the private estate of Robert Heysham Sayre.

Who is Sayre School named after? ›

*Sayre School was organized on November 1, 1854 at David A. Sayre's bank located on the corner of Mill and Short Streets. The school was first named, The Transylvania Female Institute, but the name was changed three weeks later because of the confusion with Transylvania University.

What is a sayre? ›

Sayre is a masculine name of Welsh origin, meaning “wood-worker.” It is also a Norman surname that was brought to England in the 1000s and first settled in Essex. It has an abundance of variations, including Sayer, which was once the name for someone who made announcements or a town crier.

Is evening 5 or 6pm? ›

Evening: Evening typically refers to the period of time that follows the late afternoon and precedes the night. It is often considered to start around 5:00 or 6:00 PM and lasts until around 8:00 or 9:00 PM.

Is it evening at 7pm? ›

Early evening 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Dusk around sunset Evening 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Late evening 9:00 p.m. to 11:00p.

What is legally considered evening? ›

Evening means after 6 p.m. and prior to midnight on a day.

What time do you say evening? ›

The Encyclopædia Britannica defines evening as varying according to daylight and lifestyle, but says that many people consider it to begin at 5 p.m. In a social context, the Oxford English Dictionary defines evening as "the time from about 5 p.m., or sunset if earlier".

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.