SundayMAY 19. 198S THE TENNESSEAN 15C 360 General 360 General 360 General 360 General 360 General 360 General 360 General 375 Child Care Services GREEN HILLS AREA Mature, reliable sitter In vour home- Day or overnight. 383-0073 ANTIOCH AREA Mother w1 child wishes lo keep I Intent In mv home, good environment. 333-1726. 380 Musician Work Wanted KEYBOARD PLAYER Looking for rock Top 40band.
Call after 262-0265 TRANSP0RWI0N 385 Work Wanted HOUSEKEEPING references, S30 house, call Jean or Dean 665-6012 HOUSE CLEANING- Quality Work. Excellent References. Call Rabla: 292-3131. ATTENDANT For elderly. Day or night.
226-0148 HOUSEKEEPER- Wants day work or regular, 242-4150 HOUSEKEEPING-dependable, honesl.reterences. 646-3643 430 Domestic Autos BUICK ELECTRA COUPE, 1982, triple red, loaded, will take trade. CaU Jerry Burns 242-5411. BUICK-1976 Eleclra Limited, 4 door hardtop, all power, good tires, 74.000 ml, $1495, 297-1006 before 3pm, weekend BUICK-61 Skvlark, Sport Coupe, 4 cytender, air, automatic, excellent condition, $2750 firm, 756-3284 BUICK-78 Regal Sport Coupe, 3.8 liter turbo, black wlan Interior, asking $2700. Call Al: 296-1789.
BUICK-1967 Wildcat, excellent conditon, 430 motor. CaU evenings 758-8160 BUICK-'81, Park Avenue, 2 door, $5,900. 361-1982 after 7PM and weekends. BUICK-'83 Regal, 4-door, air, cruise, lilt, defog, amfm stereo 791-p757 BUICK SKYHAWK, 1978, automatic, air, nice car. Call Joe Gaines 242-5411.
BUICK-RIVIERA, 1982, triple dove grav, like new. Call Jim Roaden 242-54)1. BUICK-'72 Skylark, purchased in 1973, new paint, good dependable car S1295, 254-788) BUICK-78 Eleclra Limited, excellent condition, new tires, all power, 794-6903 BUICK-1982 Regal Limited, V-6, local 1 owner car. Loaded. $6450.
834-0853 '82 BUICK SKYHAWK 4 door, air, good condition, I owner, 833-3457, 1-446-0972 BUICK-1984 La sabre Limited, loaded, like new. 632-3301. MANAGER TRAINEE RWbII teorllng good tlort he available starter poilliont In tort A good iportt background It essential with running oriantatlon plus. Applicant mutt ba non--imokar, able to work tome evenings weekendt. Soma college It plut, degree not required.
Tliit it an excellent alerting, point for a young perton antarlng the business world. Salary benefits will ba discussed during Interview. CaU 159-3030 between 1pm 3 am Monday, May 20 thru Wednesday, May 22 for screening. -WORKERS 'NEEDED Immediate need for good, daoendablt workers lor heavy Industrial, warehouse, construction, general labor. ALSO women encouraged le apply for light Industrial, factory assembly.
All applicants must have phone car. Call tor appointment at 347-2001 MANPOWER International Plata Suite 304 TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS NEEDED Progressiva pay and excellent benefits. Must be 23 years old. One year verifiable recent ver-the-roed experience within the last 3 years. Clean driving record and no DUI's.
Company paid physical and profit sharing plan. Mileage pay plus bonus on fuel, safety and mileage. TAYLOR -MAID TRANSPORTATION, INC. Call Safety Monday-Friday, I am-S pm at 1-I0O-334-6749. An SOE MF it ASSISTANT MANAGER Mosko's David's cookies It looking for an Assistant Manager to work nights 269-3344.
General Office Pvtine, nstng and Manilas lag wsmiwy. Application accepted Mendoy ond Tim day between 9 and only. Apply in parMIl at Switchboard. Town Country Ford Gallatin Rd. Madison 430 Domestic Autos' BUICK-1961 Regal, 13.200 one.
owner ml, 2 lone blue, am-fm, air, wire wheels. 361-0550 BUICK-'77 LaSabre. 4 $1200, 269-9296 BUICK-80, Skvlark silver gray, loaded, $3100. 633-7546 BUICK-1974 Regal, $600. good condition.
633-8626 BUICK-1978 LeSabre, cteaaft. loaded, I owner, 385-1435 BUICK-74 Eleclra, sacrifice; $1550. 297-3111 before Warn 73 BUICK CENTURY WAGON $675 296-176? BUICK-77 Century slalion wagon, $1475, 321-1990 IF YOU HAVE $200 ft NO Credit-let us help vou help yourself. ft Auto. 228-5435 CADILLACS 85 SEDAN DEVILLE, Full power, tlltlelescoplc wheel, symphony sound system) cruise, wire wheel covers, aulomalic temperature control, rear defroster, much more, factory warranty.
3 to choose from 14,969 '64 SEDAN power, tlltlelescopie -wheel, seekscan stereo, aulomalic temperature control, cruise, wire wheel cover, vlnvl roof, 3 lo choose from, 612,989 '64 ELDORADO. Duel power seals, tilltelescopic wheel, cruise, automatic temperature control, symphony sound system, wire wheel covert, leather Interior, much more. $16,395. '(4 CIMMARON, Only 4,600 miles, most every option lo Include dual power seels, leather interior, symphony sound system, alloy wheels, factory warranty, lust like new must see. 611,950.
'82 CIMMARON, Full power, till, dual power teals, sunroof, stereo cassette, alloy wheels, deck rack, leather interior, much more only 31,000 miles. Extra nice local owner car. $6895. DIXIE 2625 FRANKLIN RD'. 385-2625 CADILLAC-82 Clmmeron 6 door, automatic, air.
loaded-, extra clean, 45.000, $7895 LEON KELLEY 868-5346 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE 1963, 16,000 miles, triple blue. FARR MOTOR Hender-sonvllle, TN. 824-7777 ANDREWS CADILLAC 373-3800 227-4880 LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO Now under new management has positions open for appl. Secretary Phone Operators. Dont miss having fun In the sun.
HALF DAY-GREAT PAY Part time full time, casual working conditions and friendly co-workert. Guaranteed wages with earnings up to S5.00 plus per hr. GUYS, GALS STUDENTS, HOUSEWIVES Welcome. Apply in person -l 417 Welshwood, Suite 103, close to Harding Mall, 331-9094 WORKERS NEEDED MANPOWER needs experienced laborert, warehouse workers, material handlers production worker! to do heavvmedlumllpht lifting. You must have a phone a car.
Call 327-1555 for an appointment. MANPOWER 2100 West End Ave Suite fit PART TIME BUT PERMANENT Permanent part lime positions available for persons needing extra income. Ideal 2nd lob or supplemental Income for the student or house spouse. Work only the days you are available, hours vary. Work available 7 days week.
13. SO to start, no experience necessary. Musi be II or over, have valid driver's license a phone. Accepting applications Tues, May 21 only. Please CaK lor an eppt.
at 366-7153 SECURITY OFFICERS Full time positions available In the Nashville area. Part time positions aval-tab In the Smyrna area for qualified Security Officers. Must have own home telephone ft own transportation. Retired Military welcome. Apply Monday ft Tuesday, 9em-3pm, CPP Security Services, 140 12th Ave.
N. EOE. COMMERCIAL LENDING North Alabama bank has Immediate opening for the lot-lowing positions in the commercial loan department. 1) Commercial Lending Supervisor 2) Commercial Loan officer with 5-10 yrs. experience 3) Loan Review Analyst with background in commercial credit analysis and loan documentation.
Contact the Personnel Department of Colonial Bank of North Alabama P.O. Box 1708, Huntsville, AL. 35807. (205) 533-0800 EOE. WANTEO! Exotic dancers.
S400 to $1,00 per week. Training available. Musi be 18 vrs. old. Boobie Bungalow Club.
75 miles south ol Nashville on 1-65, Elklon, TN. Will lurnlsh apartments. Call after 4 pm. 615-468-2496. 615-363-1167 anytime.
Wavland Russell Manager. Alvin Russell Owner. ROAD DRIVERS it now accepting ap- qualified drivers with and driving record. CREN CAR INC. PART TIME EMPLOYEES NEEDED Due ra growth within the past few months with summer vocation upon ut, we are in need of at least i part lint employees for the next few months.
The hours will evenings A nights, with some Saturday work. If you would be interested in earning extra money, on a part time basis, would like to talk with you. Please reply in person to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT BI-RITE FOODS INC 3038 Sidco Drive Nashvill, TN. 37204 CARS 1976 FORD MUSTANG 4 CvWtt $1387 1977 FORD LTD 4 Dr. $1387 1975 FORD PINTO WAGON 4 speed $1387 1381 CHEVROtn CtCVETTE $3787 1981 FORD IBRD, aitmubt, si $5787" 1981 FORD GRANADA, automatic, av.4 Dr.
$4787 1383 CrCVROLH MALBU $6387 1984 RENAULT ALLIANCE OL, 4 Dr. wtgmitic. $5787 1976 DODGE P1CKLP, tutonubc. $2987 1982 FORD F150 VAN CARGO $6187- 1983 FORD F150 PICKUP, utonutic at $6487 WE CAN GET MOST ANY KIND OF CAR OR TRUCK (JUST ASK US) 4160 GALLATIN ROAD 1 Vi Miles of Briley Parkway, Nashville OPEN SAT. We art on Equal Opportunity Employer 3 EXPERIENCED it it WANTED Ambitious energetic paopl for full or parltime emplovment at Hot Somas Auto wain Advancement possible for those who show potential.
Aoo In person murs. at 1309 AAurtreesboro Rd. See Ron or Joa. No Phone calls please. ATTN: COLLEGE Students Others Summertime Position.
Earn Per Wk. Must Be 20 Or Older. Must Have Station Wagon Or Van. Call now for 754-5878. ACCOUNT MANAGER Aegressive Individual looking lor a lob with a future.
Excellent benefit package. Apply Color tvme Rentals, Zayras Lamer nftaaison. it depORTiWiTV With last arowlna company. Learn all facets ol Homing company shipping, wiring, silk-screen working with plastics. Experience In working with acrylic plastics desired (cutting, construction routing).
Pay commensurate wun experience in mis area. Will train enthusiastic dependable parson seeking future. Starting salary for no experience In plastic $175 per wk. Call 352-2900 between eam-4prn OWNEROPERATOR Does your current flatbed lease Include company furnished permits, paid hospitalization Insurance, fuel tax, equipment and base plate financing, credit union, high percentage and more? Ours Does! Can Perry collect 205-791-2231 T.M.C.-MICKOW SECURITY OFFICERS Recent college graudates or criminal iusiice maior looking for career In security. We otter premium pay, good benefits, and advancement opportunities.
Apply in person Mon. May 20, from tpm-pm, Tue. May 21, from Wed. May 22, from 9am-lpm, Guardsmark Inc. BNA Corporate Center (Corner of Briley Pkwy I Dabbs Ave.) 361-4221 Equal Opportunity Employer ESCORTS MODELS Young ladles, the "season" has started and mora gentelmen are calling! Enioy fun dates 8.
short hours. Income above SSO0 a week. Call Pamela 367-9009. WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL Local speciality foods distributor has Immediate need for warehouse personnel. Day night shifts available.
Math skill Si ability to operate malarial handling equipment. Please apply in person 9am to 3pm Monday thru Friday. WHOLESALE PIZZA CO. 1605 County Hospital Rd. NO PHONE CALLS it PART TIME HELP WANTEO Hot Springs Auto Wash is now hiring part time employees.
A variety of work shifts positions are available. Apply in person Mon. through Thurs. Hot Springs Auto Wash, 1309 Murfreesboro Rd. See Ron or Joe.
No phone cans, please. it TRUCK DISPATCHER 2 vrs. experience with flatbeds and owner operators. 48 slate authority. Local fast growing company.
Salary DOE. Apply at 120 bwing or. Nastivme.Tn. 226-6906 for appointment. EARN $500 WK.
Needed: Counselors Crew Distributors. Must Like Working With Teenagers. Must Have Station Wagon Or Van; For appt. call: 754-5878. CLERKSMANAGERS Full-lime 2nd ft 3rd shuts available In Madison, West End ft Harding Mall areas.
Great wages, advancement opportunities and benefits, Including dental. Call Hoi Slop Markets, 361-1050. EOE DELIVERY AGENT Nationwide car rental company seeks aggressive individual to delivery rental units utilizing tow bar methodJMust be 21 vrs. ol age due to Insurance, have excellent driving record ft thorough knowledge of area. Opportunity for advancement, salary package 19,000 plus company car.
Expanses, bonus, ft other benefits, call 366-0672 for Inter-view. EOE MFHV FULL TIME AUTO UNLOADERS ft INSPECTORS No police record. Must have valid driver's license. -Apply In person: BOZARTH SERVICE CO. 600 Veritas St.
MOBIL HOME SERVICE AND SET UP Looking for experienced serviceman. Must be able to drive and pull flat bed Want dependable hard worker who wants to earn good money. Call for Steve at Luv Homes. 227-5883. it WOOLPRESSER Experienced for quality work in modern drvcleaning plant.
5 day work week, paid vacation, ft other benefits, apply lo: Al Valiquette, Ralph's Cleaners, 2502 Franklin Rd 297-6905 ARE YOU ATTRACTIVE With a good personality? Would vou like to make more money than you can make doing most anything else? Let us train you 10 shine shoes. Work In Nashville's batter hotel lobbies. Call 876-0876. TRUCKING Put yourself to work as an owneroperator with northAmerican Van Lines. Look for our ad in the classified section under Business Opportunities.
3 OVER THE Coble Express. Inc. f- plication! for D.O.T. 3 excellent references 227-3500 HVAC TECH We'll train! Great duo! Super growth ft rapid advancement! Potential to 117,0001 Call Monday AM. AAA EMPLOYMENT 833-6081 BEGINNER'S LUCK Gel thai career sterted today! This great financial group will tram you for your future! S700! Dennis! AAA EMPLOYMENT 833-6081 FOSTER PARENTS COUNSELORS Share your home with foster child.
Receive training 10 teach soclalltation skills lo abused cniidren. Human services. 366-1702 ext. 209 MALES ft FEMALES AH ages ft sites Interested In working In TV commercials, film ft video productions. No experience necessary.
Cell 256-5175. ff lines art busy, piease try again. TERMITE TREATER Good pay for dependable person. Prefer experience, but will train if qualified. A-One Pest control 868-6140 OVER THE ROAD DRIVERS 2 yrs.
verifiable flatbed expe rience, west coast experience preferred, call Charles or Ben, 244-1115 OWNER OPERATORS KLM, Nationwide carrier has openings for late model road tractors. Excellent benefit package. Call Dave or Robert 1-800-647-7612 (Mon-Frl) MAINTENANCECREW PERSON-Needed for full time emplovement. No experience necessary. Fast growing rental cer company.
Call p.m., C83-1I6Q GENERAL MAINTENANCE for apartment complex. Must know HVAC and have own 001s. Apply In person I a.m. to 12 noon. Lincoya Bay, 1050 fieasant urn ko.
DETAIL CLERK-CASHIER Davs-25 hrs per week in a modern pnarmacv. Exper ence ft good references required. Lee's Apothecary, 12 t-ranmn Brentwood. GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE Full time position at private country Club. Must be 18 vrs.
or older. Call between Sam. ft 646-4539 EXPERIENCED MATURE COUNTER PERSON Will consider trainee. ALSO: Experienced Presser. Donel-son Cleaners 2422 Lebanon Rd.
YARD MAN Experienced with references. Light maintenance. Apply Leasing Office, 4701 Trousdale. MF PAINTER Experienced with staining. insldeouiside work.
Apply Leasing Office, 4701 Trousdale. MF PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS Part lime, mornings ft alter-noons. High school diploma plus 3 references, call 754-5250, mi. Juliet, in. FRAMING-PART TIME Established Green Hills Frame Shop.
We train. Applications: 9-5. 1188 Anlkjch Pike, 833-4540 FLORAL DESIGNER Experienced. Dick's Flowers. 883-2326, Sun.
And after 5 PM.793-2021. LANDSCAPE LABORERS ft Crew Chiefs. 871-0121. Apply 7am-2pm. Mon-Sat.
Immediate openings. PART TIME EVENINGS Janitorial help needed. Brent wood, Green Hills areas. Apply 12 to 6 PM, Mon-Fri, Cleaning lonsuirants, 10 11 am Ave. PART-TIME Public Relations, Clerk Typist, Phone person.
Errand Person must nave car. Mr. Williams 254-7777 PART TIME Help wanted at Tovs ft Git Out et. 900 Con ferance Dr. Goodletlsvllle ft too oaks Mall.
Nashvi e.Aoo in person oniv no pnone cans. NEED 4 LABORERS AND 2 OPERATORS Water ft Sewage Construction, on Job Site at Dunham Springs JH-MB DANCERS, BARTENDERS AND D-J's Classic Cat. Apply after 7pm. 126 8th Ave. N.
TREE CLIMBER 2 vrs. experience in rope, belt ft saddle. Call Gary Davis, Davis Tree, 37-1316 alter 7nm. COUNTER PERSON-for modern dry cleaning plant. Apply at Pearson 1 Hr.
Mar- liniting, 3922 Nolensvllle Rd. STUDENTS this summer, great for resume Ann2-6pm 366-0533 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS 2 needed-must be experienced. 4. hr. 4 to 8 evenings.
Ask for Mr.Jones. 333-1891 "ESCORTS -MODELS" Attractive young ladies earn 5500 per wk ft up. 228-0014 LANDSCAPE LABORERS No Experience Necessary 292-4048 MAN OR HUSBAND ft WIFE To manage thoroughbred farm in Bowling Green, salary neg. Call 373-2897. CARPENTERS HELPERS Experienced.
To help frame houses In Franklin area. 799-0105 between 4 ft 9 P.m. LIQUOR STORE CLERKS Experienced. Apply ft Drive-In. 818 So.
Sth SI. 256-7453 Summer Jobs For Attractive Outgoing individuals in maior hotels. 18 or over, call Mr. Dawson 885-2200. COMBINATION BUTCHERMEAT WRAPPER Full time.
6033 Hwy 100, Wesl-gate Food Town. SERVICE STATION Attendants wanted -full ft par ttime. Apply in person Green HIIIS toUlt, iwu nnisporo KO. GRASS CUTTER EXPERIENCED Commercial Weedeater Operator needed. Top pay for the best.
868-7654 TIRE CHANGER Perfer experience person. Apply in person Mayo Tlrg Co. 1516 cnurcn St. GROUNDS KEEPER Part lime, Sat. ft Sun.
Apply in person only at Dury Inn North, t-65 ft Trinity Lane. FULL TIME JOBS 11 OR OVER Further details 297-239S CAREER OPPORTUNITY 634-1441 8:30 to 10:30 am Only CASHIERS ft CAR JOCKEYS Pari time. Apply 923 Church St. I0am-3pm Tue-Thur-Sat. AIRLINES Various positions, possible relocation.
Call today. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK DAYTIME JANITOR Needed. Brentwood area. S4.50 nr. iis-im.
FENCE INSTALLER Some experience. Pav negotia ble. 244-3256 EXPERIENCED CASHIER Drive In Market. Call between 7am-5om, 859-3338 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Mowing, weedeating, land-scaping, etc. 377-1980 for appl.
ESCORTS WANTED S700 to si 500 wk. Live in or out. 361-7134. TRASH ROUTE Need dependable hard worker, 4'a days, 868-6855 CAB DRIVERS-Al least 25 yrs. otd.
Apply S-5, uoneison cap, ms-im DRYWALL FINISHER Ex perienced In hand ft tool fin- tsning. 1-799-0165; 799-0766 PRE-FAB ERECTOR Needs laborers, no experience required. 876-8360 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Needs experienced ore-fob building erectors. 876-8360 TRAINEES Antique vehicle restoration work. Tlnsley's Restoration Inc.
242-1355 FLORIST OELIVERY-Col-lege student, part-time. Geo. Kelly Flowers, 689-8212 Wanted Experienced Shinaie Rpoters.Selarv depends on experience. 865-2430 alter 5. AirlinesFlight Attendant trainee.
Launch a new career. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK MACHINIST trainee-Full time. Maior company now hir no. 297-908B JOB NETWORK GENERAL Labor Trainee-Up to S7 hr. Must be reliable.
297-9088 JOB NETWORK MECHANIC-S10 hr to start. Put vour career in gear. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK WAREHOUSE trainee-Full time. Must be dependable. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK DISPATCHER-5250-375 week.
Good phone voice. 297-9011 JOB NETWORK WELDER Full time. Put vour ski lo work. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK CASHIERS-hirlng now. Must be reliable 297-9088 JOB NETWORK TOUR GUIDES-Full lime.
Good with people and see the Stars. 297-9088JOB NETWORK SHIPPING RECEIVING train eestrong and dependab 297-9086 JOB NETWORK GENERAL OFFICE trainee-Put vour skills to work 297-9088 JOB NETWORK INDUSTRIAL Workers- S5-7 hr. Full me ntr ng now. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK RECEPTIONIST S5 hr. lo start.
Good phone voice. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK parts person-fun time must be organ zed. 297-9018 JOB NETWORK CARPET Cleaner 1300-500 wk. is mis tor yout 297-9088 JOB NETWORK PUBLIC RELATIONS Good wllh people 297-9088 JOB NETWORK INSTALLER trainee-Full time. Must oe oepenoaoie.
297-9088 JOB NETWORK TRAVEL AGENT Do you crave adventure? can 297-9088 JOB NETWORK PHONE SOLICITORS NEEDED- 13.50 per hr plut bonuses. 865-1661. LANDSCAPE HELP Part-Fun lime, flexible hours, je 1-408 1 JANITORIAL POSITION Please apply. Carroll ft Assoc 565 Marriott Dr. suite 240, 365 Musicians Entertaining it it CHEVY'S DINER BAR We are looking for talented DJ'sEnlerlainers for our high energy oldies concept.
We rec-ognlie and reward latent. Benefits are included. If you love 50't and 60's music, dancing and iusl getting craiv, send resume or call BCS Manage ment, Music P. O. Box 3450, Hattiesburs, Ms.
39401, 601-544-664 DEDICATED FEMALE BASS playc t-or f-emaie rock Band. For Concerts, Clubs. Must Own Equipment. PHONE ANDREINA: 832-2949 (leave message). ENTERTAINMENT Industry needs help all area.
Here's your cnance. 297-9088 JOB NETWORK BASS PLAYER-For original mgn energy rock roil bang, 3B5-20IB STAGE HANDS-Must be reliable permanent hiring now. 297-9086 JOB NETWORK BORN AGAIN Baritone singer wanted for gospel quartet. 833-0715 370 Domestic Help Wonted ASSISTANT LIVE IN An excellent opportunity for a healthy retired or semi-retired person. 1 want someone to live with my elderly mother in Portland (30 miles from Nash ville).
She's reasonably healthy, does not need a nursemaid, but I want some one there In case something happens lo her. She needs someone to do the shopping. You must drive have a car. Free room ft board plus a small salary. Call Sunday for interview in Nashville Monday.
(615) 325-3700. Mr. Chase. HOUSEKEEPER Needed for young growing family. Long term, needs car, non-smoker, S2O0 benefits.
References required. In West Meade. 269-3344 Mon-Fri; Sal ft Sun, 352-9038. HOUSEKEEPER Non--smoker. Christian, healthy, own car.
Mon-Wed. Frl. 10-4. 140 day. Super cleaner ft ironer.
Some cooking ft errands. Neat, sweet ft organ- ned. No child care, write RLC, Box 15842, Nashville, Tn. 37215. WORKING MOTHER Needs live in help.
Warm ft loving woman lo run household ft take care ol 2 vr. old son. Must have references. Call 383-4600 davs, eve. 646-9505 RESPONSIBLE-LOVING Housekeeper, to care for 2 children, 2 storv home, Mon--Frl, non-smoker, must have car ft references.
Green Hills. 383-2105. LIVE IN-Housework. cook for 2, care for elderly woman, room, board ft reasonable sal ary, must have own car, no smokers please. References.
366-6085 RESPONSIBLE PERSON-To care for 6 vr. old, 30 hrs. per week beginning June 10 thru Aug. Priest Lake Park area. Own transportation.
361-7710 CHRISTIAN LADY to keep ivi 12 vr eld daughters in my home, light housework, can live in, 834-6194 LIVE IN Housekeeper Nanny wanted lor 2 small children. Excellent benefits, references required. Ashland City area. I-792-7VB5. LIVE IN-Cara for elderly man, excellent surroundings, light housekeeping ft cooking, must be able lo drive.
References. Call 292-8471 MIDDLE AGED LADY to do housework, cook ft care for wife. Room, board ft rea sonable salary. 865-7676 ATTENDANT NEEDED To care for disabled person, reasonable salary accommodations. 226-3978 OLDER LADY To stay with Christian older lady tor room, board ft salary.
865-0161, 228-0335 NANNY-HOUSEKEEPER Salaried position, 2 weeks paid vacation; Must have car ft references. 352-6088 LIVE IN NOW-Welderlv lady. Non-smoker. No house- cleaning. 883-7154, HOUSEWORK ft Babysitting.
3 times per week. 3 references required. Call 383-8228 HERMIT AGE-Babvsllter needed, 4 vr old, varied hours. Must be reliable. 883-5658.
LIVE-IN-Sal-Sun only, West End area. Call lor particulars. 292-4691: 297-9470; 292-9958. BABBYSITTER Needed. 254-7569 after 6.
375 Child Car Services AIRPORT AREA Children kept In my home. S40 per child per week, 6 lo 12 vr old. 2 meals provided. Recreation program, swimming pool priv-ledges, life guard etc. 361-5367.
LICENSED CHILD CARE My home for 7 vrs. All ages. Meels, snack, fun. 834-26)8. WEST END INFANT CARE Experienced, licensed, reler-ences.
We love kids! 269-4150 CHARLOTTE-WEST MEADE Child care, all ages. Depend- abie, references, 356-4992. EAST in Christian home. Teach Basics, TLC, meals, snacks provided. 228-6320.
DONELSON- Child care In my iiuiiiB, ail ayn auam-Miii 871-0766 ANTIOCH-chlld care, any ages, reasonable rales, full or part lime. 331-9209 ANTIOCH AREA Children lo keep in my home, good Chrls-tlan home, 331-1430, S45 wk. TUSCULUM AREA Children kept in my home. Reasonable rates. 331-4062.
HERMITAGE- ages 3 ft up. Make plans for summer care now! 885-0499 MURFREESBORO RD-Child care, experienced mother, low rales, 366-5488 BLAIR CHILDREN CENTER Professional childcare begin-ning at 6 wks. 292-5253. WEST NASHVILLE beginning June 24, babies and toddlers kept, J50 week. 352-1167 CHILDREN KEPT-in my home.
2-4 yrs, hot meals, snacks, big backyard; 356-7317 MCMURRAY AREA- Child care, my home. Ages 6mos. and up. 331-1463 MECHANIC Experienced Auto Mechanic. Dependable.
Must have own tools ft knowledge of transmission. Salary negotiable. Apply in person, beorges Transmit- sion, 2W)t tztn Ave. 5. CASH DAILY Warehouse Construction, etc Zurich money ft transportation irnlstted il needed.
Ladies welcome. Report 5:30 am lo: Anybody anytime. 617 7lh Ave. South No phone calls Come in person. DRIVERS WANTED- to Pull company tractors ft trailers, haulino cement to local cus tomers.
Musi be al least 25 vrs ok) ft have 3 vrs. driving experience. Send resume te Boxholder, P.O. Box 100184, Nashville, in. 3710 WOMEN ft MEN An Art Skill Career And Profession.
Comtemporarv Social Dancing. No experience necessary. Will train, part time, r-un Time. Fred Allaire Dance Studio. Call 292-9691 between I ft 7.
INDUSTRIAL WORKERS Immediate openings for fabrication or installation of windows, siding and other architectural products. If qualified and Interested, call Tim Howell al 269-3158 DRIVER-COLLECTOR Expanding Co. seeks a highly self motivated person to learn rental business from ground up. Work includes route deliv ery ft collection. Must have knowledge of city.
Apply at Mr. TV Rental, 71-A Main St. INVENTORY AUDITORS America's largest Inventory Co. is now hiring permanent part lime employees for eveningsweekends. Daytime hours also available, tan Mi-rtJi tor Interview.
NATIONAL RESEARCH CO. seeking permanent part time Interviewing staff. Must be avaiabe evenings week ends. No sales involved. Telephoning from our office In the Rlvergate office.
Call 859-3010 or asv-josj. AIRLINES Hiring Now Will train ft experienced positions available. Flight Attendant Trainee, Reser-vallonist, Computer Programmer, Data Entry, General Office. Possible re ocaf on 297-9088 JOB NETWORK TRUCK DRIVER AND COUNTER PERSON For Dry Cleaning operation. Call Monday through Friday 11 AM til 5 PM 227-9330 AIRPORT 85 We'll train Customer Service! Public Relations! Dynamic National This opening won't last! Call Monday AM.
AAA EMPLOYMENT 833-6081 $1175 A MONTH Local company needs 6 people lor the above opportunity. No experience necessary, we train. Good company benefits. Must be neat. Call 244-0477 WAREHOUSE ft GENERAL DELIVERY Heavy lifting involved.
Knowl edge of utility ft industrial supplies helpful but not neces sary, apply at Consolidated Pipe ft Supply, 1500 County Hospital ko APPLIANCE REPAIR Work in shop repairing coffee makers. Small appliance experience needed. Profit sharing, insurance, vacation. Call Wen dell Massey Mon. between 8 AM ft Noon, 329-0077 EARN UP TO S100 A MO.
Watch T.V. ft donate olas ma-S5 extra for new donors with this ad. PLASMA ALLIANCE 1620 Church St. Open Monday-Saturday HELP WANTED NEW CLUB OPEN NOW! EXOTIC DANCERS NEEDED S300-SSUO ft UP DOLL HOUSE LOUNGE 726-1216 REPRESENTATIVE To contact real estate brokers. Good income potential, training provided, resume ft real estate background necessary.
Cai Rev Bralcher al 1-B0O-327-97B7 DAY CARE WORKER Hermitage Area. Experienced wilh scnoo-aged children Prefer Christian woman. Part time during school year; full time in summer. For more Information call 883-5307. MANAGER-Live in manager- maintenance couple lor small tralier park.
Good benefits, experience required. Resumes accepted by mail only. Reply to: Office (TO 3104 Clarksville Nashville, TN. 37218. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Non profit health organization in Green Hills area, needs parttime Telephone Operators Mon.
Frl. 9am 3pm. Also jpm June 10 Aug. 9. 4.50 an hour.
297-0813. NIGHT JANITOR Hours 10pm-7em. Mature Individual preferred, references required. Apply in person, 6201 Hickory Valley between hrs. of 10am-12Noon.
No phone calls accepted. CREDIT CLERK Minimum 1 vr. experience In credit ft collections. Assist In hanseling volume commercial accounts, some typing ft tiling. Call 832-7465 for appt.
VENDING ATTENDANTS CASHIERS Male or female. Full lime positions. 1st ft 2nd shifts. Apply in person 8-5, WOMETCO VENDING 210 Omohundro PI. TRUCK DRIVERS Concrete Ready Mix trucks.
Experienced only. Apply in person alter 10 am: Atlas Tri Stale Concrete, 210 Depot Goodletlsvllle. 859-5030 DELIVERY MAN- Local delivery driver needed, must know city. Must be over 21 yrs. old.
No recent driving violations. Salary open to experience. Good benefits. Call 9-12 noon on Sat. 256-3700.
CUSTOMER ATTENDANTS ft DETAILERS Full ft partlima positions available. Good pay, excellent benefits. Apply in person, Green Hills Exxon Car Wash, 4112 Hlllsboro Rd; OUTGOING FRIENDLY PERSON To work counter In photo lab, Detailed paperwork required. Apply ACU-Color Photo Lab, 518 Heather Place, 10 em-4 pm, LABORERS General laborers needed Immediately. Call 367-1000.
EOE DELIVERY S30-S50 a day, delivering small packages in local area. Paid per delivery. Must have neat appearance and good working car. Call 366-0561 ask for Gary That's what our girls average shining shoes in maior hotels. Now hiring.
Call Mr. Dawson 885-2200. DRIVERS NEEDED Delivery trainee Dump truck Driver Semi driver You choose the load 297-9088 JOB NETWORK FACTORY WORKER- $6-12 hr. Full lime. Musi be dependable.
FactoryMaterial Handier. Mfg. company hiring now. For mora info, call 297-9088 JOB NETWORK WANTED Prefer mature female. Sates work.
Must have salesmanship qualifications. S3. 35 hr. Emmas Flowers, call J.H. Tidman, Sr.
327-0202 between 9-12 only. JANITORIAL SERVICE Now Taking applications Sat. ft Mon, between 9 AM ft 12 Noon. Must have car, phone ft pass polygraph lesl. 2217 Nolensvllle Rd.
AUTO Technician trainee it hr. Alignment Specialist General Mechanic Trainee Painter. Your choice from bumper to bumper 297-9088 JOB NETWORK CLERK For Liquor Store. Must be mature and have Cash Register experience. Call between 9am.
ft 889-2858 AN EXPED1TOR Do it all lor this rock solid local company! Benefits! Growth! AAA EMPLOYMENT 833-6081 PARTS MAN-Needed lo fill orders In local auto repleir shop. Must be over 21 years old and have a valid drivers llscense.Salarv S4.00 an hour. 242-1696 ATTORNEY Memphis law firm, specializing In casualty Insurance defense, aviation products liability seeks associate. Prefer background of 1-3 years In private practice with some trial experience. Send confidential resume, stal ing present salary salary requirements to: Petkoff, Landcaster 8, Barnwell, Suite 2SIS, 100 N.
Main Mem- pms, in jaiw ATTENTION STUDENTS SUMMER JOB WITH FUTURE Now Interviewing students and graduates. Good speaking voice. Neat appearance. Achievers only. All our executives started this way.
Age no barrier it ta or over. Leu, 297-2398 PART TIME Immediate opening-evening work, 3-4 hour shifts, 5:30 to 9 JO or 6:00 to davs per week. Office cleaning In Brent-, wood. 13.50 per hour with on the iob training. Good cleaning and floor experience pays mora.
If vou live south of Harding, call for directions between and p.m. 373-2614. NOW HIRING Nationally acclaimed company needs people for Nashville regional office. High starting pay great opportunity for advancement. Only persons who are neat dependable need to apply.
II you qualify call 874-7331 SECURITY OFFICERS Full 8, pari lime. Weekends available. To quality vou need lo be a mature person, clean police record, phone in residence, own transportation, neat appearance. Apply in person, 1100 Tuckahoe Dr. Tue.
ft Fri. 9 to 330. Veterans bring DD-214 form. Plnkerlon's, 868-8360. EEO CIRCUS DELIGHT ICECREAM Immediate openings for ke cream truck drivers for college students.
Earn S300 per wk. -f end of season bonus. Routes available In Nashville ft surrounding areas. 226-3134 WAREHOUSE WORKERS PACKAGERS GROUNDSKEEPERS Needed for immediate assignments. Call TODAY! to start work.
361-4421. VICTOR TEMPORARY SERVICES PART TIME Need extra money to make ends meet? Earn up to S200 per ween working Mon. tnru 6-10pm. ft occassional Sat. mornings.
Possibility ot lull time advancement in near future. Call 824-7355 FULL PART-TIME Help cleaning lirsl-class stores in the Madison area. We have openings for morning hours between 5:30 ft 9:30 am. Also tale night work required. Your own transportation is a must.
Leave your name phone at 254-8000. Equal opportunity employer GAS DOCK STORE ATTENDANT Cashier experience. Pleasant working conditions. Must be able to work weekends, lots of overtime. Apply al: Rock Harbor Marina, 525 Basswood, between Sam.
ft 12 noon. AIRLINE-FLIGHT ATTEN-DANTS AFAA now has immediate openings with maiorregional airline. For detailed iob description and current hiring requirements send stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Airline Flight Attendants Association, Box 1699, Buellton, la Yjli. CRT DATA ENTRY Franklin consulting firm needs Individual lor lull time CRT data entry position. Beautiful offices and great benefits.
Strong typing skills and CRT experience required. Salary neg. Call 790-2330, 3-5pm weekdays, Calhy Horner WILL TRAIN Full time, part time. Good work lor alt seasons. Pleasant working conditions.
Must ba over 18, hard working, neat ft dependable. Start work imrne-diately. Call 824-7342 TRAINEES Catering Company is seeking attractive personable hardworking individuals to train to work with the public Excellent compensation ft benefits. MARY ANN BEST WESTERN METRO INN 1-65 Spring St. Exit LOCAL COFFEE CO.
Has opening for a Delivery Persan In Nashville area. Experience In Route Delivery ft Sales preferred but not necessary. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume to: Personnel D.R.M., P.O. Box 8069, Nashville, TN 37207.
EXCELLENT EARNING POTENTIAL S3.3S per hour, plus excellent bonus program, for person having sales ability. Good speaking voice ft enthusiasm tor wanting la achieve good salary, call Mr. Stevens, 361-5104, lull ft' pari lime available. BLDG. MAINTENANCE Maintain ft repair commercial building.
Possess good knowledge of wiring, plumbing, basic auto mechanics. Day shift full lime wllh benefits. Apply In person 1900 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 10 Neat appearing aggressive people. No experience needed. Will train for above average income.
For interview call 834-1593 ask for Mr. Jones WILL TRAINS Telephone people needed Immediately. Mature, sharp, well spoken persons to set appointments from our office. Good salary and big bonus. Call Pal, 12PM-8PM al 366-0305.
NEEDED Full time maid for dept. store in Hickory Hollow Mall. Hours Mon-Frl. 10am-5pm ft weekends. Can 256-7620 between lam-3pm NEEDEDI JANITORS ft CARETAKERS Must have own transportation, preferably pick-up truck.
S5.75 per hr. Hardworking individuals only, call 9am. to 2pm. for appointments. Viet Nam Veterans given priority.
889-4092 EOE PART TIME VAN DRIVER To drive bus to transport handicapped adults. am. ft pm. No driving violations. Special chauffeurs license required.
High school diploma or eau v- aient. Apply Rochelle Center, iztn Ave, s. ft south St. but. ADDITIONAL STAFF NEEDED Computer experience, typing ft general office work.
Mell resume lo Company Office, P.O. Box. 24084, Nashville, TN. 37202. VANDERBILT PLAZA Sharp personable people needed for valel parking attendant positions.
Excellent tip potential. Apply in person at office on lower level on Hayes SI.) between 10am-2pm. NOW HIRING American Fitness is expanding. Full time positions available. Fitness Instructors Receptionist Call today 159-4475 or 834-0406.
SUMMER WORK $975 A MONTH STUDENTS The above opportunity It for Immediate employment. Call 244-0477. EOE WAGEBUSTERS! Tired of Min. Wage Jobs? Would vou like a chance to make S4000 this summer and get college credit al the same lime? 297-5607, 4-9 PM. EOE HARDCASTLE MOTORS DODGE CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Muit have a minimum of 3 years inter and introxtate experience.
Domiciled out of Nashville, TN. Excellent pay and employee benefits. Please phone Mr. Buddy Anderson, Coble Express, Inc. at 242-4494 or 1-800-251-4128 for an interview in strict confidence.
Equal Opportunity Employer MF 1985 DODGE LANCER Showroom new and fully equipped with every available option, 402 Aircraft AVIONICS REPAIR We specialize In repairing alt oranos ot avionics. Auto pilots; radar; nav-coms. We do it all Call Mike Chasteen al Smyrna Air center 242-3344 405 AutosTrucks Wanted HIGHEST CASH PAID Cars -Trucks -Vans -Wagons Call us before you sell 226-1334 WANTED: 1979 OR 1980 MERCEDES 280 SE 834-6273 410 Tires, Accessories Service VAN BENCH TYPE SEATS Good Condition. S100 Each. 262-025IL T-TOPS FOR 1983 CAMARO Smoke Black.
Like New. S350. 226-4930. 425 Antique Classic Cars RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 1963, 75,000 actual miles, interior like new, body needs paint. S700.
373-4266. Antique Auto Fair Auction-Flea Market Car Corral Show June 1 2 Macon, Ga. Central Citv Park Hudson Marshall, Inc. 1800-342-2666 Ga. Lie.
103 CADILLAC 46 Convertible, SOIId. SJOUO, 6I5-ZV6-30O4, CHEVROLET CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE-1980, 29,000 miles, tutone charcoal and White. FARR MOTOR Hendersonville, TN. 824-7777 CHEVROLET-57 Convertible-restored. 516,500 502-821-4162.
68 CORVETTE NEW pelnttopfireswheels 244-3555 CHEVROLET- '69 Camaro, Pace car, restored 1-684-3205 CHEVROLET- '67 SS, perfect, S2700, 1-684-3205 CHEVROLET- '65 Corvette Roadster 15,000 847-2762 CHEVROLET-58 Impala, 348, aulomalic, S1500. 615-296-3004. CITROEN 1948 Sports, maroon, imported from Europe, original condition, S75O0, 502-436-5560, Murray, KY FORD-1960 T-Bird, excellent condition, approx. 45,000 needs minor engine repair, S60O0 neg. 377-6014 64j MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE Competely restored.
868-6495, FORD '73 Mustang convertible 351C, white, automatic, 12900. Before noon, 297-4181 FORD '66 Mustang, convertible, 6 cylinder, power steer- ing. 356-1990 FORD-'S6 T-Bird. New paint ft interior, runs great. 244-3555 FORD 66 Mustang convert-Ible, restored.
298-4303 FORD 63 Falcon Future convertible. 12600. 269-5803 FORD-71 Mustang Boss 351, restored 1-684-3205 LINCOLN 1956 Mark II. extremely nice. Will trade 217-429-1666, 217-664-3000.
1967 MGB- GT new inferior, new paint, clas-slc, S35O0 neg. 754-7138 ROLLS ROYCE-Sllver Shadow, cream white, beautiful blue leather. Perfect engine. 617,900. 901-324-7924 nlghtSj ROLLS ROYCE-Sllver Shadow.
Drives ft looks exceptional. 519,950. 901-324-7924 nights. TRIUMPH 1962 TR4, ground up restoration, white on black color, numerous engine spares. Serious Inquiries only 1-455-6569 ATTENTION SUPERDEAL CAR ADS 4 DAYS FREEI We are so sure that you get results through our classified section we are making this outstanding offer 2 Lines 6 Davs $12 If you don't get results we run the ad an additional 4 DAYS FREE! Each Additional Line tlDay THIS is A NON-REFUNDABLE RATE.
No copy changes. Non com mercial use-Individual advertisers only. Offer good for cars, trucks, motorcycles, ft motor homes only! Call TODAY 254-1031 430 Domestic Autos AMC '7 Pacer, 2 door, automatic, air, stereo, power steering ft brakes, only 77,000 runs great. 11500. Call 296-3006; 685-2576 AVIS USED CAR SALES 609 THOMPSON LN.
255-7474 BUDGET CAR SALES Two Mile Pike 659-0317. FOR SALE 2-1960 Bulck Estate Wagons. High interstate. S1700 ea. I960 Grand Prlx-as Is.
High $1000; for Info call Bobby Gregory 659-1368 between 6am ft 4pm Mon-Frl. BUICK 1983 LIMITED COUPE Automatic ft air. power windows lilt, cruise, AM-FM cassette, 40-60 seats, vinyl root, sport wheels, one-owner. Call Kathy Simpson 865-7220 FILE BANKRUPTCY OR HAD REPOSESSION STILL WANT A NEW CAR? CALL ROY BYRN OR MIKE SANDLER: 255-5255. BUICK-77 Skylark 2 Door Coupe, automatic, air, bucket seats, stereo, V-8, 65,000 miles, 1 owner, exceptionally nice S2950 ED KING 868-5348 BUICK REGAL LIMITED, 1983.
4 door Sedan, while with gray cloth interior, loaded with options. Call Mr. Russell 242-5411. BUICK REGAL. 1981.
2 door coupe, white wllh blue landau too and buckets seats, uniy 38,000 miles. Call Bob Neely 242-5411. BUICK-1963 CENTURY LIMITED 4 Automatic, air. am-fm cassette, spoke wheels, white wburdundy interior. Call Kathy Simpson 865-7220 BUICK '80 Century Limited.
local 1 owner V-6, white-roval blue, air, cruise, new radials. Immaculate, $4,000 OBO, 865-4335 or 327-0343 BUICK 1984 Riviera, automatic, air conditioned, full power equipment, velour Interior, wire wheel. TOM BAN-NEN CHEVROLET 865-6800 BUICK LIMITED 1984, $9,760 Automatic, loaded, 18,000 one owner miles, southeast AMCJEEPRENAULT 2800 Nolensville Rd. 255-7000 BUICK 80 Regal 2 door. automatic, air, stereo tape, $4650 FRANK STANDLEY 668-5348 BUICK-PARK AVENUE, 1984.
4 door sedan, silver fern end loaded. Low miles. CaU Buddy Walker 242-5411. BUICK REGAL, 1983, 2 door coupe. Only 16,000 one owner miles.
Call Mr. Edwards 242-5411. olacK with red interior 1985 DODGE 600 COUPE CHRYSLER Executive car, fully loaded in gatnel red, crystal coat 1985 DODGE CARAVAN SE Two to choose from both equipped with the popular options, one red, one gunmetal blue 1984 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER LE 7 passenger, 5 speed version dows, locks, cassette, ec. 1984 DODGE CARAVAN SE Only 1 1,00 one owner miles wilh 7 passenger sealing 1984 CHEVROLET CAMARO CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIAN Stanley Steemer is now hiring self-motivated reliable individuals. A good driving record, high school graduate and references required.
Previous sales experience a plus. Call 244-1521 with hill power including win- power, cassette, wires, bucket. Extta clean car with power windows, slereo. Ml, new taised wmie reuer wes 1984 CHRYSLER LASER Only 4,000 miles wilh turbo charged engine, super sharp car 1984 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO Local one owner car with fun PERM-A-TEMP NEEDS YOU We have openings for 85 people to start this week on long term assignments. 1st 2nd shifts.
Earn bonuses vacation pay. Call for interviews 383-7753 seals and more 1984PONTICAT-1000 Clean one owner cat wilh 4 speed, air condillon, slereo cassette, more 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON Two to choose from bolh aulomalic with air, slereo, and more 1984 PONTIAC FIREBIRD Extra sharp car with aulomalic, air, slereo, tilt, new tires and- turbine wheels 1983 DODGE 600 ES Two to choose from both extra clean, local cars both tow; mileage, save 1983 CHRYLER5TH AVENUE Several lo choose Irom, all loaded including leather casi-setles 1983 TOYOTA SUPRA Every available option including power sunroof and factory, equalizer, Save 1983 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY Extra clean vehicle wilh low mileage and all the right equipment 1983 DODGE ARIES WAGON low mileage car with automatic, air slereo 1983 DODGE ONMI Excellenl 2nd car with automatic, air, slereo and low mileage 1982 DODGE 400 CONVERTIBLE -i: Extta sharp car with low mileage, black with tan interior 1982 CHRYLER TOWN COUNTRY WAGON ZZ Local one owner, low mileage car with every available optien. 1982 CHEVY CHEVETTE ZiZ Super ecomonical Mile one owner vehicle, extra nice with at service records 1981 CHEVY X-11 Local one ownet wilh low miles and extra sharp must see eon dition 1981 CHRYSLER 5TH AVENUE The last big one, super clean, super nice, fully loaded 1981 DODGE ARIES WAGON Automatic, air, stereo, root rack and mote 1981 DODGE DIPLOMAT Like new local one owner car wilh an the popular ecjuipmerif 1980 HONDA PRELUDE WANTED The most successful, aggressive direct sales organization in Nashville is now accepting applications for the position of: TELEPHONE COMMUNICATORS Salary plus excellent commission Life hospitalization insurance Full time work Opportunity for advancement Need well spoken, hard working people who can follow instructions. CALL: 889-2770 Ask for Donny Harper Nice little car wilh 5 speed, air, stereo tape, power sunroof and more 1980 CHRYLSER TOWN COUNTRY-; Clean lull size wagon, fully equipped and priced right with low, 1984 DODGE D-150 Two to choose from bolh with aulomalic and air condtloiv stereo more 1984 FORD 250 4X4 Clean local truck wilh air condition, slereo, topper and mm- 1984 DODGE ton ZZZ 4 speed with low mileage 1983 DODGE 1 TON Steel flat bed with 4 speed, extra clean 1931 FORD F-150 Extta clean basic ttuck 1980 DODGE D-150 Automatic, air and lots of extras (Next to Alexander Plaza) 794-1528 140 Royal Oaks Blvd. Franklin, Tenn.
MAIL DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR i Nashville Office of USA Today seeks Individual I a who is thoroughly familiar with U.S. Postal Regula- tlons. especially 2nd class mall distribution. Salary I O.O.E. a Sand Resume Tai USA TODAY 1 P.O.
BOX 25089 I NASHVILLE, TN. 37202 Equal Opportunity Employer MF HIGH INCOME OPPORTUNITIES For Attractive Females No Experience Required Must Enioy Meeting People Metropolitan Modeling ft Escort Service 2554569 6.